Easy at Home Care for a Healthy Mouth

Easy at Home Care for a Healthy Mouth

Whether it is a morning coffee, sweet treats, or a glass of red wine, we all have our guilty pleasures. We have a few tips that will help you keep a healthy mouth and fresh breath throughout the day, while enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for 2 minutes each time. It is always best to brush with an electric toothbrush, as they are more effective at removing plaque and better at reaching all surfaces and areas of your teeth. Dr. Still recommends the brand Sonicare. Make sure to brush all surfaces of every tooth. Brush your tongue, but not too hard. Make sure to replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3-4 months.

Floss your teeth once a day to avoid gum disease and tooth decay. Flossing your teeth gets the food and plaque build-up out from in between teeth where decay can begin. When flossing, use the floss in a C-shape and “hug the tooth” with the floss to get as much surface area as possible. Soft piks can be used to remove plaque build up in between the teeth also.

Drink lots of water! Drinking water all day is beneficial to your dental health and overall health. In between meals, rinse with water to wash away food particles. Drinking water after a cup of coffee, or any other dark liquids, or sugary/acidic foods can help prevent staining. Drinking water helps your mouth to produce saliva, and saliva helps to keep our mouth healthy and moist.

Avoid smoking, as it increases the risk of gum disease, oral cancer, and disables the mouth from being able to heal properly. Not only does smoking harm your body, but it also dries out your mouth, which then causes bad breath.

Make regular dental appointments. Getting regular professional cleanings, x-rays and check-ups with your dentist.

Call Smile Sarasota today, and get your mouth happy and healthy! (941)957-3311.